Sunday, April 22, 2007


Short advertisement for Sentio - a charity dance concert...It's on 8th and 9th June, 7pm. At republic poly. All kinds of dances performed by highly accredited SYF dance groups, danceworkz champions, LADC, NUS BLAST! (and me!) This is for thee bone marrow donor programme (

Personally, I'd like to see the first student-organised FOR-profit dance concert. Are those not fashionable or something?

Tickets are going for
$50, $30, $15 for the Opening Night (8th June)
$100 (priority ticket holders), $50, $25 for the Gala Night (9th June) with guest-of-honour and a private reception for priority ticket holders

Anyways, dance aside, I'm back from my 'business trip' to KL. Haven't been to KL since primary school, and I didn't happen to miss it much either. It's really just a replica of singapore, except a couple of years behind. Since we went with mommy, the main agenda was shopping. We explored KLCC and Midvalley. Whatever you can find in Singapore, you can also find there, at the same price too. KL DOES have a couple more things that I haven't seen around here, like lots of juicebars (funky branded juicebars like MIX in Singapore, except less expensive) (not the FoodJunction-type of juice bar, lol). They also have more branded stalls selling kuehs. Nice kuehs :)

My mom and Jas spent a fortune at Lillian Too's World of Feng Shui, haha. I swear, we spent nearly 3 hours in there. So while they were picking out their fengshui jewelry for abundance and goodluck and whatnot, I watched a hilarious video of Lillian Too trying to explain what someone with a weak Metal should do in the South-east corner of his house to enhance his lovelife. And there was this Q&A part in the video where the audience could ask questions. This guy stood up and asked, "So what happens if you figure out that fengshui elements-wise you're married to the absolute wrong woman?" I can't remember how they replied but they were pretty tactful. I usually quite okay with Fengshui, I just don't like the way Lillian Too conducts her business. Too focussed on generating wealth, and telling them that everything in the lives is horribly misaligned. And whoever makes money by writing books to tell people to buy her own things (eg. fengshui figurines), is a very cunning person. After the video, I browsed the instore library reading books about Qi Gong, I Ching, and Buddhism. I think the Lillian Too's version of Fengshui contradicts the basic philosophies of Buddhism and Taoism, but whatever, I'm talking too much.

Mommy met up with a couple of old colleagues, and I managed to practise my Malaysian chinese :D. Nice. Overall, it was a nice trip. I even got to watch Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire, Spiderman, So you think you can dance (KL), a lost episode of The OC Season 3, and relentless re-runs of Cho Seung Hui's 'manifesto'. oooooo DRAMA! My only grouse is that I couldn't have internet access for 3 whole days. NO MINERVA!! Minerva has become my weed these days:p Also, I had to put up with auntie-chatter about stuff like how it's great to buy bread at Rotiboy in KL. Because some sausage bun thing is only 1.50 RM in KL. But in Singapore it's S$1+. And the worst is JB, coz the buns there are even more expensive than in Singapore, in their attempt to trick Singaporeans, who think that everything in JB is cheaper than in Singapore. But of course, my aunties will never be fooled, and I have been graciously enlightened.

Here are some pictures of the KL cityscape.

A random thing that happened during the trip include, my celebrity sighting of mtv vj denise keller and colby...forgot his last name. Also, there was a car that overturned while driving right next to us. I also saw A&W, and Saint Cinnamon, which are now extinct in Singapore. I didn't really manage to shop much. Got a couple of shirts, pants, and a book. LOL. I couldn't have bought these in Singapore huh!

At the end of the trip I had to put up, yet again, with auntie-chatter about the KL airport. They were pretty furious that KL's was named the best airport in the world and were pretty sure that Singapore's is way better than KL's. Started complaining about how the KL airport was too big, and that there's too much walking to do. About how 'un-happening' the departure hall was (meaning, not much shopping to do). Even though, I nodded in agreement, I secretly preferred KL's airport. Haha. I love the high ceilings and glass walls, and the whole open-concept, airport-in-a-forest aspect of it. Singapore's seems quite claustrophobic in comparison, with its low ceilings, dark walls and never-ending rows of stores.

For now, I'll just check Minerva one last time...

1 comment:

sara said...

i'm going on friday, $15, hehe