Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Flubug :(

First Daddy, then Mommy, and now I'm down with the flu. So what do you do when your nose is clogged, your ears are blocked and your throat hurts from all the sneezing and coughing? You sleep, watch old episodes of Oprah, clean your room, and surf Youtube for music videos.

Matthew Bellamy morphs into Gwen Stefani!

I particularly liked this video. I think it's a combination of Bellamy's voice, his orgasmic facial expression and the synchronised dancing of uniformed men.

Janis Joplin's Maybe. I swear she looks like a man.

Check out the lyrics to Tool's Lateralus. They're in the Fibonacci Sequence! Fking Fibonacci man! I love that guy! And apparently, the drum beats are in the fibonacci sequence too, but my ears are not sensitive enough to pick the drumming pattern out. I'll have to listen to the song more closely...

black [1]

then [1]

white are [2]

all I see [3]

in my infancy [5]

red and yellow then came to be [8]

reaching out to me [5]

lets me see [3]

there is [2]

so [1]

much [1]

more and [2]

beckons me [3]

to look through to these [5]

infinite possibilities [8]

as below so above and beyond I imagine [13]

drawn outside the lines of reason [8]

push the envelope [5]

watch it bend [3]

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