Can't believe I've never noticed this before. I come here all the time! And it's so -__-

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Holiday plans
Hi bern and chee, if you're reading this, these are our plans for the dec hols! Came up with them over brunch today. So keep a coupla days in the first 2 weeks free kay? We are happening!!
Categories: others
Atas is better than posh
Yayness!! Bought a crossword book at Times today after brunch. Was with Chan cos Maddy had to leave. We got the better but not posh one in the end, Maddy, so we went to Spotlight to buy pretty paper and Chan helped me wrap it! =D=D Happiness!! =D=D=D
I evidently had the right person with me. Handy with a blade and sharp creases! And it's not senget (? uh, not straight). Didn't realise until now how straight the positioning was. We shamelessly took over half the table at Spotlight, where they generally hold craft classes. But no one chased us away anyway, too busy painting sinister dolphins, so yay!So mysterious, nobody will know what book I'm reading! And I won't even know which is the front page! The excitement will kill me.
Prettiest crossword book around! =D=D Think I'm gonna use die hardener on the corners of the book so they won't get smushy. Chan said if I used die hardener on the entire book, I'd get a hardcover book for the price of a paperback -_-
Then I had all these scraps of pretty cardpaper, whereby a brilliant idea hit me.
Pretty magnetic bookmarks!! =D=D=D I had these magnet strips lying around at home, and I've been meaning to make myself some for a long time now, just couldn't think of what design. Must paint die hardener on this too. Think I'm floating from all the happiness =D=D=D Come and look for me Chan, I made you one too!
Categories: crafty
Thursday, October 23, 2008
In Heaven...
- the policemen are English
- the cooks are French
- the bankers are Swiss
- the dancers are Spanish
- the lovers are Italian
- and it's all organised by the Germans
In Hell...
- the policemen are French
- the cooks are English
- the bankers are Spanish
- the dancers are Swiss
- the lovers are German
- and it's all organised by the Italians
Categories: funny
The Way You Make Me Feel
This video starts off pretty cute and amazing. Awesome technique for their age. And their spins and leaps are super synchronised...but after awhile, it gets a bit disturbing. The girl's a bit too young to be shaking like that. Haha.
InDanCity: Beyond
Dear friends, please support
Thursday, October 16, 2008
All We Need
Was listening to the Beatles on my way home from dance today, and i have to say, their songs are magic. I was literally trying to hold myself from humming along too loudly, trying not to smile too much -- or people will think i'm weird. Our world is full of anger, sadness, stress, emptiness, and quiet desperation. I feel like people are always struggling, reaching for something more, never content. Not trying to be emo here, but dunno if I've mentioned it here on this blog but it's really depressing just looking at the msn nicks on my msn contact list. "Tired", "Stressssed", "SWAMPED & STRESSED & SICK", "3 REPORTS, 2 MIDTERMS, 1 PRESENTATION", "PRESENTATIONS", "SICK AGAIN", "I HATE WEEK 9", "CAN'T WAIT FOR WEEK 9 TO END", "SHIT WEEK" was even worse during week 7, the midterm period. Why can't everyone just chill out, be happy with what they have and =). I really don't see the point in getting so worked up over all these things. Getting stressed just makes things worse...think egg would agree with me here. This is why we are friends right? LOL
I mentioned my observation to some people and coerced them into changing their depressing msn nicks into happy nicks. "This is a cheery msn nick for maddy" Haha.In times like these, i think, all we need is love.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
I spent last Friday at AWWA in Hougang with iBig. They planned some music session thing with the special ed (mildly autistic) kids there, which turned out pretty awesome. It was my first time ever interacting with autistic kids, so I really didn't know what to expect -- they were alot more extroverted and friendly than I had imagined. Somehow, I had the impression that they'd be really quiet and antisocial. I have this mental image of an autistic kid, sitting in a corner, creating genius-level works of art, and he'ss oblivious to everything around him, sort of living in his own world. But they were all very warm and welcoming, more than us visitors anyway. When I say warm, I mean warm. Like there were kids who literally ran up to us saying hello, introducing themselves, asking us for our names. There was this particular kid who ran up to Xyvill (17 yr old guy from myanmar, he named himself that) and asked to "bao bao". So Xyvill just picked him up, carried him and rocked the kid around. All this happens like, in the first minute that we step into the acitivity room -- even before we got a chance to talk to the lady in charge of the kids.
Really gotta give credit to the social workers at the centre. After about 2 hours of playtime with the kids, we were completely out of it. We have 2 more sessions with the kids...looking forward to our next! I left the place feeling all "i've made a positive difference on earth", which is a really nice feeling to have.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Awareness Test
Graham showed this to us in class a couple of weeks back. How many passes does the white team make?
Categories: videos