Thursday, June 19, 2008

More Pink Martini

Evelyn, this is for you! Don't know if you've heard it yet, but it's my other favourite song from Pink Martini. There's a long intro to sit through, esp in this vid cos the guy talks a bit, but it's quite funny. Oh no, just realized that the video's cut short! Nvm, think i've sent maddy the song before i think, if you want it. Lyrics can be found at this old post: Hang on little tomato, where imeem has snipped off pretty much the whole song.

And since i'm posting videos, you guys can check this one out too! Andrew bird's 'nervous tic motion of the head to the left'. This guy is just amazing, his playing and his composing is just magic. His out-of-this-world whistling has to be seen/heard to be believed, and used in combi with that magic loop recorder thing, he's a walking one man show. The improv in this live performance is really nice, if you've heard the original. Little nugget of info: he's got a bachelor's in violin performance, cool eh.

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