Friday, June 20, 2008

Just For the Record

E: "Maddy, I can't believe we've known each other for so long."
M: *palm on forehead, elbow on escalator handlebar* "OMG you know how cheesy that is?"
E: *amused*
M: "Are you gonna go on your knees and propose to me now. OMG." *laughter*

Here's a list of nice memories that you've probably long-forgotten, but you know, me being me, I'm emo and remember small stupid things:

  • Being clueless chem reps together.
  • Playing the beach boys to each other over the phone. Throw in some lame aaron carter songs.
  • Singing thrills and eels at the back of class. Arguing over the exact notes for "we get high in backseats of cars". Scribbling lyrics in each others notebooks.
  • Playing paper connect-4 and intellectual syllabus-related hangman.
  • Sobbing crazily in the hotel room in India after coming back from the tsunami-destroyed beach. (remember the young indian girl who did the holy cross thing?) And then wiping up our tears and figuring out how to hide our bloodshot eyes.
  • Sitting strategically in the canteen to get better view of ahem.
  • Countless failed plans to travel to just about every country in the world
  • Helping each other through every mind-boggling guy situation, from whiTER choir boy, to the other v boy to museum boy to knight guy to V to X to Y to the many others who messed us up (you know what i mean, i think...and hopefully you can figure out the codenames).
  • Bitching about people like girl who pokes, girl who likes green, girl who i thought had broken heart but maybe not, girl with mirror stance, girl who looks annoying and acts nice to gain affection (why are they all girls)
  • Listening to you rant about being more hardworking, more organised. Listening to me rant about wanting to quit school and run away to live in some remote village.
  • Making up stories about the secret havoc life of econs Evans. Closely scrutinizing his nose and hair and complexion.
  • Keeping awake in Rathi's class, wondering if her power ears could hear our non-gp-related conversations.
  • Extended trips to the toilet between each class.
  • New England Old England. Polar Bear Paws.
  • Starting this silly blog together so that we never lose touch.
  • Stepping into homeclub that time with me trying to get you to dance (you finally did) Friday I'm in Love. Feist. The Pipettes. Ghostbusters. And haha, do you still remember the hilarious msg you got from xxx the next morning?
  • Running over to SMU so much that people start getting confused.
  • Wondering how some people manage to change so much. How friends fade. Thinking about how sad it would be if we ever drifted away from each other.
  • LAST BUT NOT LEAST: Ann Siang Road!!!!
So just remember that even if i don't say it much, and even though we don't hug, i <3 you and you are very very very special :) Meanwhile i gotta learn how to show affection to friends. Cheers to friends who will always be able to just sit anywhere and not need to talk. And to friends who can always carry out 2 conversations with each other at the same time and NOT get confused. Takes skillz man, skillz with a Z.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
