The OCIP project managed to get quite a hefty amount of media attention. (lianhezaobao, straitstimes and various radio stations) I'm not quite sure how I feel about it but it's definitely quite unbelievable really. So now, both overseas projects I've been on have been written about in the papers. At least this one didn't include pictures of me in my hideous geeky glasses.

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Categories: others
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Maybe I don't hate Foong that much afterall
These is the best damn piece of work I've done so far this term. Or at least, the piece of work I've gotten the best comments for. I'm so overjoyed that I'm gonna start crying.
He even scribbled "For Future Reference" on the top left hand corner of the journal. Freak! My bloody journal is gonna be one of those excellent journals that are gonna be passed around in class. And people are gonna read it and marvel at the 'proper subject subheadings' that made my journal one of the best organised journals."Very enquiring mind", "thought-provoking questions", "maturity in writing", "excellent writing skills". I think I'm gonna die from all the flattery.
Categories: others
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
You have to burn the rope
You guys have to play this game, if simply for the credits. It's like a simple 5min game, but with really long and cute credits. It's a funny song that actually sounds like something i might listen to, haha.
Categories: games
Meet-up at Shokudo! It's been too long, you guys =) Food was not bad and quite reasonably priced, could be better though, i feel, how about you? Didn't take that many photos though, sorry lah, y'all try to recall.
Mountainous slush ice
It looks like she may be able to wear it after all.
Maddy, it's really not my fault how you don't have any normal photos, lol.
Okay lah, give you cool emo one.
Somehow I always manage to get photos of Bern with very funny expressions. This was too good not to share.
Categories: food, restaurant
Monday, April 21, 2008
Getting ready for fall (not really)
Cute new pencil case for the new school year! Early for once, I am. But it was really because the fabric was so cute, I had to get it and do something with it! Bought it at Spotlight when I was checking out fabrics for costumes with Aramia the other day. Not the cheapest place, I know, but it's so pretty ain't it! =) Hurhur, I feel so pleased with it, 'specially cos my last pencil case was nice, but a shitty kinda green. This one makes me feel all happy and fuzzy inside! Yay, can't wait to bring it out! =D
Categories: crafty
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Funny Birthday Song
There was a time, long time ago, when I had memorised this song.
Once a year we celebrate
With stupid hats and plastic plates
The fact that you were able to make
Another trip around the sun
And the whole clan gathers round
And gifts and laughter do abound
And we let out a joyful sound
And sing that stupid song
Happy birthday!
Now you're one year older!
Happy birthday!
Your life still isn't over!
Happy birthday!
You did not accomplish much
But you didn't die this year
I guess that's good enough
So let's drink to your fading health
And hope you don't remind yourself
The chance of finding fame and wealth
Decrease with every year
Does it feel like you're doing laps
And eating food and taking naps
And hoping that someday perhaps
Your life will hold some cheer
Happy birthday!
What have you done that matters?
Happy birthday!
You're starting to get fatter
Happy birthday!
It's downhill from now on
Try not to remind yourself
Your best years are all gone
If cryogenics were all free
Then you could live like walt disney
And live for all eternity
Inside a block of ice
But instead your time is set
This is the only life you get
And though it hasn't ended yet
Sometimes you wish it might
Happy birthday!
You wish you had more money
Happy birthday!
Your life's so sad it's funny
Happy birthday!
How much more can you take?
But your friends are hungry
So just cut the stupid cake
I'm No Superman...
Its midway through the exam week. And with numbing terms like amortization of discount on bonds payable, paid-in capital from treasury stock transactions, Hungarian method and Criterion of Realism running through my head, I find myself turning to old favourites like Scrubs to keep me going. One of those shows where I absolutely love every single character and the relationship dynamics...
And yeah, egg, remember I was trying to describe some random character to you? Like the random guy that appears in some episodes? He's balding and wears a suit? I'm referring to this guy, Theodore Buckland, the hospital attourney.
On another note, I've been listening to some Imogen Heap recently. I've always had the songs in my computer (she's a favourite on the O.C.) and I've never recently listened to her properly. Well her songs have been on repeat the past few days and I realised how much I really the spacey-ness and echoey-ness of her voice. Plus, she has interesting lyrics that I can identify with -- always a plus! I really like Hide & Seek and Speeding cars. I think my bro intro-ed me to Imogen Heap's Hide and Seek some time ago but since it was HIM who introduced the song to me, I just ignored him because his music taste is kinda questionable.
Hide and Seek
where are we?Speeding Cars
what the hell is going on?
the dust has only just begun to fall
crop circles in the carpet
hide and seek
trains and sewing machines
all those years
they were here first
oily marks appear on walls
where pleasure moments hung before the takeover,
the sweeping insensitivity of this still life
ransom notes keep falling out your mouth
mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut outs
speak no feeling no i don't believe you
you don't care a bit,
you don't care a bit
Here's the day you hoped would never come
Don't feed me violence
just run with me through rows of speeding cars.
The papercuts the cheating lovers
The coffee's never strong enough
i know you think it's more than just bad luck
There there baby
it's just text book stuff
it's in the ABC of growing up
Now now darling
oh don't lose your head
cause none of us were angels
and you know I love you yeah
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Magic Pen
Magic Pen is an ultra ultra cool game! First saw it on the iphone and now i discover there's an online version =D Plus, the crayon-drawing graphics are really cute! =) You draw objects to drop on/push a ball along to collect flags. You'll know what i mean when you see the game. Good for tablet computers, haha. There's a similar game on the ipod touch and iphone, almost exactly the same, just that in this online version you can make pins and hinges. Go check it out! Really really fun =D=D
Categories: games
This is the scene i'm talking about. Argh, the vid is so short, doesn't do it justice. Go watch the show. But her voice is really, it's amazing, it's the entire thing carrying this song through. That's why i took so long finding the album with the right recording of this song. No instruments, just her voice unaccompanied. Haunting and unforgettable.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Tsai Chin
Ok, please don't ask me what I've been doing on Youtube. If you have a problem with the artistic direction of this blog, please let me know. If not, then please enjoy the marvellous vocal stylings of Tsai Chin