Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Cherry Tart with frangipane

Today we made Cherry Tarts from Giorgio Locatelli's Made In Italy. It was a great success! The start of many more tarts to come, haha. While the frangipane was a little too sweet, the tart itself and the cherries were fantastic, adding the right amount of sweetness and tanginess. Tarts are so fun to make! They're small and cute, and pretty, and interesting enough to not get bored. And if you make small tarts, the baking time isn't very long. Although it does take quite some preparation time, so you have to set aside half a day for it.

The cherries, halved and pitted. The cherries we bought were really sweet and yummy, we kept sneaking so many off. Fortunately we bought an extra 100g, haha.

The sugar didn't really caramelize at the top, you can see it sprinkled on. We just added it for fun, but I think we can do without it next time, the tart's sweet enough.
Where did all the tarts go??? Haha, as you can see, they came out of the pan pretty well, even without greasing or anything. I need to buy tart tins, I think those shallow tarts ridged edges are so pretty! Haha, till the next tart escapade!

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