Guys, it is 5.21am and I am awake. I think it's the milk tea I drank at the HK cafe (the last time I had the milk tea, I slept at 6am...I have no idea what they put in the drink!). Perhaps it's also the mild depression after sending the dancers off at the airport. Perhaps it's the post-humous admiration for and sympathy towards MJ after watching too many of his music videos and interviews on youtube. I think his story is so captivating because he's like a walking conundrum -- black/white, man/child, straight/gay, male/female, hero/victim, saint/sinner, human/monster, pauper/king, man/god. He's just so enigmatic and controversial. The kind of person that makes you stop and think, makes you question yourself, your judgements, your assumptions. It's kind of the same way Adam Lambert pushes the boundaries and teases the public -- though I'm not trying to put adam on the same level as MJ here, haha. But definitely, these are two people who were born to be on stage and bring their music to the world.
Back to the sleeplessness, perhap it's also the nervous uncertainty after reading the email from ofm about the closure of the dance hall due to a h1n1 case in school. What do you do when you get an email from the school authorities telling you that the place where your cca trains is closed because someone who tested positive for h1n1 was there last weekend and so they have to close the place for disinfection? And you have training tomorrow (technically, today) and you don't know if you should cancel training and find some way to inform everyone in time so they don't make a wasted trip down to school, or spend the day sourcing for an alternative location? All this while realizing that the decision lies solely with you because the rest of your exco is overseas? And while trying to figure out a way to get a decent choreography out by 22 Jul...with NO venue for any practices? AND while grappling with the dangerous realization that you were in that very place on BOTH saturday AND sunday last weekend, and the entire competing dance group was there for five hours on sunday and they just left on a plane for europe (thereby, bringing the flu virus with them on the plane).
The worst thing about being up so late is that you start to think too much. I'm probably making a big deal out of the cca thing...but I'm nervous because there's no one to turn to!!
But I guess the best thing about being up in the wee hours of the morning is the random surfing on the internet...and then you come across precious gems like:

Eggy, wanna go?? If not I will find someone else to go with!
By the way, eggy if you read this in time...I found out what naumi is! It's a luxury boutique hotel and the name was so familiar to me (that day when we were at bras basah complex) because I did a big project on the marketing of boutique hotels in Singapore for my module 2 terms ago!! Anyway, I'm thinking of picking this hotel for the birthday thing :) Go check out the site, it sounds pretty rad. (OMG I just used the word rad, but I think it's pretty apt).
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