Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Getting crafty, getting gay

Made pretty lanyards! =D Ribbon was bought at the scrapbook store, Made with Love, and all the other hooks buttons etc. were gotten at Spotlight =)=) Luckily i already have such a huge stash of embroidery thread at home.

Was surprisingly fun to make, not on my part, but his. You already know i love doing this kinda things, gives me a crazy high. Feel so pleased with it cos it's so pretty! =D=D Plus functional, bonus, lol. And the pink button that was supposed to be decorative ended up being functional too, cos it was sewn directly onto the press stud underneath. He was value-adding to the design, lol =D The whole matching lanyards thing is admittedly really gay, but never mind. Can't wait for more projects to come along! =D=D

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