Monday, March 23, 2009

Extreme Sheep LED Art

This video is nuts!! You guys SO have to watch this. I had no idea you could train sheep to do this kinda thing. It's seriously like ??!?! these people boggle the mind!

This video has to be seen to be believed. Some guys strapped LED covered vests on sheep and then had the dogs herd them in specific patterns to create ridiculous art on a hillside in Wales. They even play a game of Pong and recreate the Mona Lisa using different colored LEDs on sheep in a pen. You just have to watch it to understand. Then, I think we'll all agree, sheep: not just for sex anymore.

Sheep-Powered LED Display Lights Up Welsh Hillside [gizmodo]

Thanks to Grey and Kim, who have never gotten tender with sheep. OR SO THEY SAY!
-- Geekologie

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