Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

True to my profession

Yay, i love presents! =D=D And this is so pretty! I know it's Christmas, but really, receiving ain't half bad, lol. And honestly, i think this is brilliant! Great soldering and wire-bending there, lol.

If you go check out the Hinz & Kunst website, you can see a lot more of these cool sculptures =D=D and they make novelty wine bottle-holders too! =D=D And i dunno if it's a European thing, but they have a lotta cool professions like tiler, house builder, travel agent, etc. And all the medical specialisations, talk about detailed! Happy~! =D=D
Note the foot on the chest.

Accident on the road

Haha, how rare is it that the traffic light turns red just as your car stops beside a horrific accident. People can't even call you a hog for stalling traffic. Jokes aside, I wouldn't wanna be the dude in the car though, i don't know if you can see it from this picture, but not only did it flip over, it is -pretty- messed up. Not the greatest place to be in. But maybe he made it, at least the car ain't on fire. According to my dad, this is the third flipped car he's seen this week! That's a lot right??

Natalie Merchant - My Skin

I am currently totally lovin' ryan's choreography, and preachy inspirational monologues.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Heart

It's not that I'm in love with anyone in particular right now, and neither is it that anyone in particular is in love with me (not that i'm aware of), but i saw this thing on someone's livejournal while blog surfing and i thought it was And decided that it was blog-worthy. Aiya, whatever, just read it. I like, "as we all know, the heart is the centre of the body, but it beats on the left, maybe that's why the heart is not always right."

During long quiet car rides, my mind always wanders. Sometimes I think about things like love and how relationships can be so complicated (not so much from personal experience, but from observations of other people's relationships). And how some relationships can really mess up lives. And how common it is nowadays for relationships to fail and marriages to end. And then I feel so lucky that my parents are still together and more or less quite happy and peaceful. I think it's amazing how they've been with each other for so long. I probably don't give them enough credit for that. It's difficult enough finding the right partner, then you have to date, and like each other enough to get married, and then have kids, and do adult things like earn money and buy houses and pay taxes. On top of that, you have to deal with good-for-nothing siblings, unreasonable bosses and angsty kids who will never like you enough.  All this while trying to make sure that you're doing the right thing; and trying not to think about "what happens if i'm making all the wrong decisions?" etc, etc. Okay, I think I am rambling. Shall stop here.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

When did Singapore become cool?

Mogwai Live in Singapore 2009

Friday 23 January 2009 at 7:30pm
Esplanade Concert Hall

Of Montreal (Heineken Music Club)

DATE:15 MAR 2009, SUN
TIME: 7.30pm & 10pm
Admission only for patrons aged 18 years and above
VENUE:Theatre Studio
(includes one drink)

Psapp (Heineken Music Club)

DATE:14 MAR 2009, SAT
TIME: 7.30pm, 10pm
VENUE:Theatre Studio
(includes one drink)

Tickets on sale 18 Dec Exclusive priority bookings for Mosaic Friends and other packages available at

Since when did so many bands that I listen to actually perform in Singapore?