Sunday, March 30, 2008

Crochet Toys

Been in a sorta weird emo mood these days...but these colourful adorable crocheted toys certainly brought a smile to my face! I think my favourites are the crab, horned beetle, hotdog (with mustard) and cheeseburger. Think the glue is really random.

Need to stop thinking so much! Tralalala...Need to listen to more happy gay songs from Apples In Stereo. We need sleepover soon! So we can make use of your new speakers and bake things and do stupid things. And so we can rant on about our usual girlish complaints and you can diao me and not indulge me in my emo rants.

Energy - Apples in Stereo

And the world is made of energy
and the world is possibility
and the world is made of energy
and there's a light inside of you
and there's a light inside of me.

And the world is made of energy
and the world is synchronicity
and the world is made of energy
and there's a light inside of you
and there's a light inside of me.

It’s gonna be all right
It’s gonna be all right uh huh yeah.
We’re gonna see the sunlight
We’re gonna see the sunlight uh huh yeah.

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