I just came across this online store called Neuromart.com.
The bio-geek in me has emerged once again as memories of the TATA Box, Okazaki fragments, Anti-sense strands, DNA Polymerase and what not come flooding back. And who could forget the lovely Dorsal Root Ganglion :D and axon hillocks, voltage-gated calcium channels, Nodes of Ranvier, Nissl Granules, Kuppfer Cells...MALPIGHIAN CORPUSCLE!!
The word Purkenje Fibres just popped into my head. Also, collenchyma, parenchyma...Casparian Strip!!...I'm actually getting high reciting all these useless bio terms. Grrrreat.
I need to get these earrings (or any other cheaper alternative) as a tribute to the time (in my *ancient* past) where Biology was completely intriguing and I actually considered becoming a neuroscientist. That was until the subject became exceedingly dry and repetitive, and I realised I was no longer thinking. Then it kinda lost its magic.
I swear I'm the only person who gets so emotional over bio terms. I used to be the same way with geog terms :p Was there something called a Bird's Foot Delta? Or something to that effect? Haha. I'm getting flashbacks of rocks bouncing across riverbeds, pebbles swirling in eddies, alternate layers of ash and lava settling and forming volcanoes, tectonic plates rubbing against each other at different speeds, Monsoon winds - Easterlies and Westerlies swirling around each other, 5 layers of the tropical rainforest, pathetic secondary forests trying to grow in deforested land...I could go on and on.
I think it's something about the whole "order out of chaos" aspect of nature that fascinates me. How the the land, the sea and the winds interact perfectly to create everchanging landforms. How our body functions like perfect clockwork, and every cell, every organ has its special role to play in the whole big scheme of things (apart from the useless Appendix) It's pretty jawdropping if you think about it...the different aspects working together harmoniously to create this world. Every grain of sand, or every red blood cell (was it called an erythrocyte? can't remember) has its role to play. Nothing is really out of place.

Sunday, May 6, 2007
Honouring the TATA Box
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i love the earrings! would totally wear those man, haha. and you do go on and on, darling =p goodness, how you remember all those geog things, i have no idea. as i recall, i didn't really remember them all then anyway, hahaha. but i remember saltation! thought that was cute. and yep, it's an erythrocyte!
and how come brains are so cheap but dna is US$40?? and they said the brains were detailed enough to use for study! sadness =(
somehow the neuron earring reminds me more of a mosquito larva...
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