Monday, May 28, 2007

Essential Brew & The Green Room Cafe

The amazing chocolate bombe surprise at Holland V's Essential Brew. The poetic menu said that the dessert was an "ingenious" mix of hazelnut icecream, vanilla icecream, etc...and then it promised a cryptic "surprise" hidden in the dessert. This immediately reminded me of that story from Ancient China, where they hid secret military messages in the mooncakes. The Chinese are clever!

The amazing thing was that, after digging into the dessert, I realised that the only word to describe it was "ingenious". The menu was spot on! And what was the elusive surprise? OOooozing, overflowing chocolate lava. I was slightly disappointed (I was really hoping for some kind of mysterious Charlie's Angels message. "I have a mission for you. Meet me behind the angsana tree at Springside Ave. 12mn sharp.")

Healthy fruit yoghurt from the Green Room Cafe at Bishan Park. A nice place with an outdoorsy, back-to-nature ambience (think wood panels, indoor trees, hammocks, smack in the middle of a sweaty national park) and modern vegetarian fare that was actually relatively yummy. Apart from the yoghurt, we had other interesting vegetarian dishes like the Avocado Sandwich, Portabello Burger, Oat Waffles...

Digging in! Happy Birthday Bern! Hope you enjoyed the little Aramsa touch we put in...haha.

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