Monday, May 14, 2007

chiam tao loh ti

I happened to be baking today when Chan came over to collect Maddy's OC dvds, so she decided to stay and play too. Baguettes and mocha butter cookies! The mocha cookies were the same as the last time, melt-in-your-mouth crumbly texture. The Chocolate Cookie for adults, haha, not too sweet and a very deep sort of chocolatey. Baguettes were highly successful! (though slightly hard crusted for the first batch. but what the heck, it's good for a first try!) From this french book that my auntie borrowed, I forget the name now. Well, the recipe's pretty long (but simple. just much talking), so ask me for it if you're interested. Tastes good though, salt just right, crust pretty good. Long waiting time though, 3 rises, but quite worth it I think =) Super when slightly toasted and with butter!

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