Tuesday, April 10, 2007

happy birthday ah ma!

I've never seen whiteheaded matches before! I'm amazed! It seems so at odds with its function, you know, black and sooty. Was my grandma's birthday today, and this came with the cake =)

Another random picture, have you ever noticed how mangoes sliced this way resemble the esplanade? Well, I never have till now. Haha, felt like a 3yearold during dinner being amused by the parents. "Look weiwei, esplanade!"

1 comment:

maddy and eggy said...

When i went to korea last year, all the matches had white heads! They're actually much more efficient than the reddish-brown head ones! and prettier too! I have a whole collection in my junkdrawer, lol you know me :D Show you another day when you come over!