Monday, January 29, 2007

Olive Tree

So last Saturday afternoon, we decided to check out the Olive Tree, a restaurant at InterContinental Hotel that serves Mediterranean seafood cuisine. It was surprisingly quiet and relatively empty when we entered, a great relief from the hustle and bustle of Bugis. The ambient is great -- sunlight streams through the glass ceiling and there are wall arches all around. There's even a view of the sea!! (They painted a mural on the walls...well, they deserve a pat on the back for effort).

We, being the cheapo Singaporeans we are, were estatic to find out that every table gets a free loaf of bread. The bread comes with a small dish of, supposedly, fermented anchovies drizzled in olive oil. (I think that's what the waiter said it was) It tasted more like the gravy that my mom puts on minced pork. It went well with the bread anyway, so we ended our chatter on meat gravies and continued acting posh and proper.

We had a choice of 5 toppings for the pizza, so we went with fresh mozarella, rocket leaves, asparagus, mixed peppers and shrimp! Then, we ordered an apple pie with brandy glaze for dessert.
The only way to describe how heavenly the shrimp was is through the use of a sound effect...*schrreessshhh* The shrimp was big, fresh, juicy and so succulent it didn't even feel like meat! More like jelly, in my opinion. The pizza crust was just right, not too thick, yet not too thin that you start feeling like you got ripped off..paying so much for a measly non-existent crust.

The dessert was a great way to end the meal. The apple filling was good too. I hate how some apple pies are so sickly sweet that they leave me feeling thirsty, dehydrated and pissed off. This one was okay, and the size was just right for 2. The only thing is that it looks kinda ugly, especially with the random orange berry sprouting brown leaves placed right on top. We couldn't get a good picture :(

On the plus side, they have cute waiters with excellent service :D

I hear that their buffet spread is not bad, maybe some other time, when we're richer! Damn..

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