This was a homework drawing assignment turned in by a little girl to her teacher:
( Here's the reply that the teacher received the following day )
Dear Mrs. Jones,
I wish to clarify that I am not now, nor have I ever been, an exotic dancer.
I work at Home Depot and I told my daughter how hectic it was last week before the blizzard hit.
I told her we sold out every single shovel we had, and then I found one more in the back room, and that several people were fighting over who would get it.
Her picture doesn't show me dancing around a pole.
It's supposed to depict me selling the last snow shovel we had at Home Depot.
From now on I will remember to check her homework more thoroughly before she turns it in.
Mrs. Smith

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
LOL Got this in an email
Categories: funny
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Hort Park
These photos are from the visit i made in december. HortPark is such a pretty place, and surprisingly big! Up on the hill and hidden amongst the towering industrial buildings, it feels very quiet and peaceful, a little spot hidden away from the rest of the world. So much so that we went back again the next sunday evening, just to lie on the lawn and read a book =) It really doesn't feel like you're in singapore anymore! Think it's gonna be a popular place on my relax-and-do-nothing list.
One cool thing about the place is that they've got many differently themed little gardens like the cacti garden, the asian garden (grass planted in the yin-yang symbol!) etc. And it's quite a brilliant thing, because they get all the different landscaping companies to sponsor (i'm assuming) a garden however they want it, so HortPark gets free designers and maintenance and plants, and the companies get free advertisement. Everybody's happy =) And i must say, they did a really impressive job, not only with the blooms but also the designs. Pretty interesting.
Monday, January 19, 2009
You can call me at 10:59 but don't call me at 11 cos that's my rule now
Happened once, it happened twice, it happened three times, maybe four times, maybe five times, maybe... maybe it happened six times, but it won't happen a seventh time, no no no.
Munchausen by Proxy's song from the movie Yes Man.
And the girl singing, Zooey Deschanel, is from She & Him btw!!! =D=D=D Love her voice!! I had no idea she was in the movie!!! =D=D=D=D
Thursday, January 15, 2009
It was a dark and stormy night...
Looks so horror movie huh! Taken near my house a couple nights ago, cos the moon was really low and round. Plus the tree (not my tree) was right there.
Categories: photography
I love souvenirs too
My brother went to vietnam and got me this =) Pretty! Even the paper inside is pretty, loving it! =)=)
Categories: design
Sunday, January 11, 2009
My Favourite Book
Song of the moment, i think my heart's bursting. Stars sang it at the concert! Was really hoping they would, and they did, think it was my favourite song of the night =)=) This vid is from a previous concert, cos it had the best live audio. I have the mp3 if you want!
I was always late, you never afraid, that we could be falling
All our friends would say, maybe we should wait, but they can't see what's coming
And to this day, when everything breaks, you are the anchor that holds me
And that is why we'll always make it
How I know your face, all the ways you move, you come in, I can read you
You're my favourite book
All the things you say, the way you shift your eyes
I never knew there was someone, to make me come alive
When the days are long, and the thunder with the storm, can always get me crying
You can make my bed, I'll fall into it, shattered but not lonely
Because I never knew a home, until I found your hands, when I'm weathered
You come to me, you're my best friend
And that is why we'll always make it
How I know your face, all the ways you move, you come in, I can read you
You're my favourite book
All the things you say, the way you shift your eyes
I never knew there was someone, to make me come alive
And when we're making love
I'd give up everything up for your touch
How I know your face, all the ways you move, you come in, I can read you
You're my favourite book
All the things you say, the way you shift your eyes
I never knew there was someone, to make me come alive
When you go to work all the day I wait
For you to come home, recount our time, in our little place
Categories: music
Monday, January 5, 2009
This post is dedicated to Liane
Because this post is about goodies that liane's brought back from south korea!! Many pretty things, yay, thanks liane! =D Cute notebooks and pencil lead holder from artbox! Everyone has really cute notebooks! So many cute designs, so hard to choose~! I can't stop using exclamation marks! Justine got a really cute pencil case too, looks like a sneaker! Don't have a photo of it though. Many more things, i can't remember what they were.So pretty right~~!! I think i can't bear to use it.
Push top pencil lead holder!
Xylitol sweets, guilt-free for dentists!
Categories: design
The Belated Post
Merry Christmas everyone! (Mr Christmas above was seen at vivocity! Is he a temp?) Yes I know, way off season, but oh well, whatever. Have so many photos to share! But i've been too lazy, lol. Today blogging finally seemed more attractive than carving out gingiva for rp (gums, for the rest of you), so this post shall have a lot of random things!
Finally managed to make the cream puffs and cream cheese filling (thanks liane! =D) that i've been meaning to for months! Really easy and yummy, yay =D And deceptively sophisticated! And did i mention yummy?? Great Christmas presents. Ooh, but it was funny cos i was carrying a tray of these and giving it out to my friends. But our church generally has a Christmas lunch buffet, so all these grandmas thought i was helping the catering and just helped themselves to my cream puffs -_- And they move real quick for old people. Luckily i made extras.
My daddy dug out this little tripod from i dunno where. So cute and tiny right! Apparently it's been around for ages, he just forgot about it. Well, it's mine now. Thing is, while it's very cute and all, it doesn't seem that useful.. because it's so tiny, it's only really good for tabletop shots. But oh well, guess i'll just take more photos of small things then. Next time we need to take self-timing shots of group photos, just call me. Same height as my handphone!
This fish was seen at the basement of Cathay. I've never seen dead fish in this kinda ponds before, and this one was a huge fish! like, size of my hand. It just lay there on its side looking very miserable, and you know how these fish are very flat? Made it look even more dead and miserable. We contemplated telling somebody (don't dead fish cause all the other fish to die too??) but we had no idea who, so well, we moved on.