For when you're feeling bored and uninspired, and you wanna feel creative and arty -

Monday, June 30, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
i.anton flickr photos
Beautiful beautiful photos from i.anton's flickr photostream. I absolutely love the muted natural colours, and the understated soft feminine quality in all her pictures. Silhouettes, leaves, flowers, trees, natural scenery, architecture.
Categories: art
Rice Field Art
This is at once both cool and weird. Can you believe that anyone has so much time on their hands that they twiddle their thumbs and go, hey, whaddya think we should do today...? But i'm definitely impressed, haha, takes patience and planning! Can only be the japanese who can afford to play with their livelihood, haha. More to be found here.
Categories: art
Friday, June 27, 2008
Duffy is a white girl with a black woman's voice. Listen.
Duffy - Mercy
Duffy - Syrup & Honey
The lyrics for Syrup & Honey are cute.
Don’t you be wasting all your money
On syrup and honey
Cause I’m so eaten up(Cause I'm sweet enough)
Don’t you be using every minute
On making a living
Because we got our love
Listen to me, 1,2,3
Baby, baby, baby spend your time on me
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Bukit Timah Plaza
We forgot to take a closeup shot with the Mr Yellow Bear in the end! :( This picture looks abit like a page out of a Where's Wally? book. Spot Dahl Book?
Haji Lane, Revisited
Impromptu visit to haji lane today! Cos we were in arab st buying fabric for my float costumes, and it went so quickly we decided to just go see while we were in the area. And goodness! It's so much better than the last time we went! Really a lot more shops and a lot cooler! Thing is, they honestly weren't there back then, but they look so established now -_- Just moved in? No idea, but it was really fun. So the theme for today is (occasionally bad) graffiti and painted staircases. Nobody seems to be able to leave their stairways alone! Loads of photos ahead, be warned.
*Update: Wahh, just found out that liyong has a friend who owns a shop in haji lane! Sells second hand levis imported from the us. So cool!
First, lunch at Victory. Hurhur, secret info told us that this was better than zamzam's, and goodness, the difference is really really huge! So folks, next time don't be cheated, way nicer murtabak just next door! Didn't try the other dishes though, so i can't really say. But murtabak, victory confirm win! Lol, the last sentence sounds really funny, like, bad grasp of english.
mutton murtabak!
So matchy matchy! some catering business.
Lian he zao bao
They meant it, he WAS scary!! Scary and freaky!
Cos oversized shades are in.
Oh yes, and vintage telephones seem to be a must-have in every store.
The last three phones are actually from the same store. Some strange vintage toy/bag store thing.
Maddy making a run for it.
Can't believe they're seriously trying to sell this! Just ice-cream sticks glued together like some primary sch art project?? But cute measuring tape headband below.
My favourite store in the whole lane, soon lee. Has clothes that i actually wanna buy! And my grandma's got one of these machines too!! Bet all those books haven't been read though, they look to be in too good a condition. Such pretentious titles, i like, hahahah.
And lastly, parkview square gets a revisit too, for old times' sake.
Theme of the day: